Bondy replied to the topic Beginner goals in the forum Beginner Triathlete 6 years, 4 months ago
Hey Nuwan,
It’s not necessarily a silly thing to do. People have all sorts of motivators to get them out the door and keep them training, so if medals are your thing, then go for it. But I wonder if you know that you do not get medals for participation in triathlon. That’s right! You have to seriously earn your medals, which are presented to podium getters only. If you are after participation medals, then you should probably look into fun runs or events other than the local sprint triathlon series. You do receive medals for longer distance events, such as half and full ironmans, but these require serious dedication and much more time and effort in training and racing. Hope that gives you some food for thought and happy to answer any other questions you may have 🙂