40 year-old to take on gruelling Asian triathlon for Dads In Distress

14 February 2011: A 40-year old Melbourne marketing executive is taking on the challenge of completing his first ever triathlon in Asia in June to raise funds for Dads in Distress.


Bill on his was to completing his first Triathlon

Bill Kosmopoulos will travel to Indonesia to take part in the gruelling Bali International, which involves a 1.5 km ocean swim, a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run.

Dads In Distress is a non-for profit organisation helping fathers cope with the effects of divorce and the loss or restricted contact with children.

Around 5000 calls are answered by Dads in Distress helpline staffed around the clock by trained volunteers who have personally experienced family breakdown.  Over 3000 thousand men attend the dozens of support groups around the country.

CEO Barry Guidera said limited Federal Government and corporate funding is barely keeping the organisation afloat.  Personal donations are required to keep providing support to the individuals who need it most.

“We are really humbled and thrilled at what Bill is attempting to achieve to support our work.  This will be a huge encouragement to all our volunteers and staff who give so much of themselves to help Dads in Distress,” said Mr Guidera.

“In Australia, 5 men commit suicide everyday and a considerable percentage of these victims leave behind children, often those who they have limited contact with due to messy divorces. This is a nationwide epidemic.

“Let’s follow Bill’s lead and do whatever we can as a nation to be part of the solution.”

Mr Kosmopoulos said he’s excited at completing his first triathlon a

nd has made a number of personal sacrifices to achieve this goal and raise funds for Dads in Distress.


“I’ve had to give up a huge chunk of my social life, cut smoking, junk food and other bad habits, to train five days a week for six months to take part in my first triathlon.  But my sacrifices pale in comparison to the suffering some fathers in Australia endure from divorce,” Mr Kosmopoulos said.

“I am extremely focussed and very determined to complete my goal and make a valuable contribution towards DIDSS, which helped me through a difficult time in my life. The work by Dads In Distress is invaluable.

“Seventy thousand couples break up each year in Australia and for many dads, especially those who are prevented from contact with their children, the heartache is often too much to bear. They have to overcome the huge hurdles to rebuild their lives and to cope without their kids.”

All proceeds will be allocated to Dads In Distress and Kosmopoulos’ goal is to raise $20,000.00

Website: http://www.billkosmopouloschallenge.com.au
You can follow Bill’s progress through his blog and spur him on with some encouragement. Corporate and private donations can be made via this website.

Media contact: Bill Kosmopoulos on 0424 504 425 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              0424 504 425      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or billkos70@gmail.com
Dads in Distress CEO, Barry Guidera on 1300 853 437 or didsadmin@bigpond.com



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