Word from the Coaches

What a fantastic night on Saturday Night at the End of Season Presentation Night! And with around 60 odd venturing to the official after party at The Saint, there was plenty of drinks flowing, dancing and general shenanigans! Did someone spot that ninja??!! Click here to read more and view all award winners and photos from the night. Thanks again to our Social Committee and our valued partners for making it such a fantastic night!

Our coaches have been busy of late on a number of projects including,  Cycling Coach JC putting together a comprehensive structure around our Saturday Long Rides (read on for details), planning for our Lorne Camp in June, recovering from Sat night! and getting ready to launch our Athlete ID’s and our Visual Training Programs next Tuesday Night. So make sure you are coming along to our Team Meeting next Tuesday 24 May. RSVP here. PLUS another couple of exciting programs about to be launched… so stay tuned!

Winter Gear has now been ordered and is due to arrive before our training camp. So will let you know when it arrives.


REFUEL Dinner tonight @ Cafe a Taglio

First dinner is TONIGHT Thursday 19 May, so make sure you pack some warm gear and coming along for a feed. You no longer have to decide what to cook on Thursday night’s any more! Our starting locaton on Thurs 19 May is Cafe a Taglio, 157 Fitzroy Street StKilda.  Tri Alliance has secured a fantastic deal, choose any Gaurmet Pasta and any 2 slices of their authentic Italian Pizza for only $15!


Run training Thursday’s & Sunday’s @ Maribyrnong River 6.30pm

Run training has commenced out the WEST. With Thursday Night and Sunday Morning training sessions with Coaches Mick & Greg. If you live or work out the WEST then these sessions are for you. We need to ensure we start to build numbers for these sessions to be viable so make sure you get along tonight! Click here to view details on location.


Coach John Cornish in action


If you ride with us on Saturday’s you MUST read the following.

Our long rides on the weekend form an important part of your winter training – particularily for those who are racing long course. These rides aim to improve your bike skills, endurance and strength. So if you want to improve – then make sure you come along. READ HERE all details on location, riding groups, meeting point, route, safety and riding etiquette.


CycleOps Windtrainer Special!

Don’t have a windtrainer? Missed out of a windtrainer session because we were ‘sold out’? Not keen on riding in the rain? Then make sure you purchase yourself one of the most valuable cycling training tools!

For as little as $199 you can pick yourself up a CycleOps MagTrainer

To order, please email sarah@dev.tri-alliance.com.au

CLICK HERE to view other exclusive specials from CBD CYCLES


Lorne Training Camp – new spots are now available! Click here for full details. Email sarah@dev.tri-alliance.com.au if you would like to reserve a spot!


Tri Alliance Team Meeting. Tuesday 24th May, 6.30pm. There will be no Windtraining session that evening, we will be running a run session in the morningas a replacement. All athletes are expected to attend as this is an important meeting as we start the first of our 5 training phases for the year and launch our Athlete ID and Visual Training Programs.  RSVP here so we can cater for numbers.


Run Melbourne – Run Program. A run program will be made available to anyone on our short or long course program who has advised us they are competing. So if you have not already – make sure you email sarah@dev.tri-alliance.com.au so you can access the program.


Shepparton Half Ironman – as expected, sold out within the day, however team places are still available. If you are interested in a team, please email Sarah@dev.tri-alliance.com.au. Race date is Sunday 13 November. If you have secured yourself a spot, please ensure you RSVP here so we know which athletes are racing.


Equipment required for swim training

If you are attending any of our swimming sessions from May onwards, you will be required to bring with you the following swim gear:

  • Goggles
  • Hand Paddles
  • Pool Buoy
  • Fins
  • Kick board (optional)
  • Ankle Band (if you do not have one, simply cut up an old bike tyre tube into 3 and tie together just big enough to fit around your ankles)

If you do not have any (or some) of this swim gear, then make sure you purchase online here. Tri Alliance sells heavily discounted Engine Siwm Gear and also has a specific Engine Swim Starter Pack which includes ALL this gear from only $95 (RRP$140!) Click here to order your pack online today!



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