Gatorade Race 3 – Brighton
For those who raced on Sunday, you would have to agree the Brighton race was a fantastic one!! Not only was the venue fantastic, Melbourne put on a great day with the weather, the bay was ‘relatively flat’ and we got to swim in it!! I don’t think many would have minded if it was like a washing machine we were all just keen to get into the open water and give the race a read hot go.

Unfortunately due to some technical issues, we are still waiting on final results from the race, but keep reading for some notable mentions from the race. We hear a few people were disappointed with their swim, so you should keep in mind that although the bay looked flat, it was actually really choppy. It was a tough swim out to the first can, and across to the second. And remember your swim time also includes your run up the beach to transition where you cross over the timing matt. So don’t be too hard on yourself!

We also had all our TRY-the-TRI participants race in their first triathlon. This group were so outstanding and confident with their own abilities that we had the majority of the group complete the Gatorade Race as their first triathlon – not a bad effort!! So well done to our newest graduates:
Active Feet: Martin Carey (read on to follow how Martin went), Murray Blakemann, Diana Angelini, Karen Gee, Mike O’Neil
Gatorade: Zoey Saunders, Sanjay Gour, Juliet Vermeulen, Peet verneulen, Chris MacFarlane, Nigel Whitehead, Jo Maloney, Jacqueline Taylor, Amy Norris, Matt Collyer, Brendan Burns, Maria Doyle

We won’t post full results fromt he race until we receive final results from SuperSprint, but some noteable mentions include:

  • Narelle Crooks for being anounced the ‘winner’ of her age group, but graciously declining knowing that she actually didn’t. But she did land herself 7th place in a very tidy time.
  • Ryan Bourke – for enthusiastically taking to the podium when he knows he didn’t! 😉 But did land himself with another 4th place finish.
  • Anthony Leverington – for making his first appearance since Shepparton and finishing with a great result.
  • Juliet Cooper Winning her age group in the Active Feet after making a return to triathlon, and newbie (and Alex’s better half) Diana Angelini coming in second.
  • Emily Hosken making her way up the rankings with 7th in her age group  F15-19
  • Brinn Tavener stamping his claim on a top 10 finish in the super competitive M20-24
  • The girls dominating the 25-29 age group, with Tori Carroll currently awarded 3rd place and then a line of TA athletes Katee, Camilla, Alison W, and Sophie all finishing within 1min of each other to round out the top 20.
  • Lisa Dominequez looking like a likely place getter- her first in a triathlon. Lets hope the results pick you up Lisa! And half of the F30-34 age group being filled by Tri Alliance girls.
  • Young Pam Tunas hiting her straps and landing herself 7th place in F45-49
  • Peter Rainey putting in a solid performance for another podium place in 2nd spot. This time claiming his spot for a photo after missing out last race!
  • Alex Angelini making a rookie mistake and shooting off too early in the swim (glasses Alex??) and landing him an impressive swim time of 4min! hmmm. 😉
  • Kara Eaton confused on how she could have possibly missed her wave start, only to work out after the race she had entered herself in the MALE35-39. Whoops!
  • Paul Cassie just missing out on a 10 top spot, but with a handy overall time
  • Eleesha Nesci coming in 3rd in the first timers as her first sprint race – nice one Eleesha, no going back to Active Feet now!!! 🙂
  • Michelle Grocock gaining herself a 2nd place finish missing first place by a mear 9 seconds and Lisa MacFarlane rounding out the podium to take 3rd place in Athenas.
  • Tri Alliance dominating the Clydesdales with Brad Campbell taking top spot, a great battle with John Grant for 2nd and a host of other TA athletes making top 10 including Sean Fleming, Andy Wood-rich, Dave Nealon and David Plush making a big move up to 12th. Well done boys!!

Tri Alliance has so many athletes racing at these events it’s hard to name everyone – but to you all WELL DONE on another great race.
A big thankyou also goes out to those who assisted on setting up the TA Taj on Friday afternoon including Simon, The Nicholls, Bdette and Bree and those who stuck around after the race to asist with pack-up including Doug and Wendy, Ryan, and a big thanks to Evalin and Tara. You girls did an awesome job! Next race we will require another 6-8 athletes to assist – the more hands the easier the job is for everyone! 🙂
See you at Race 4!!
CLICK HERE for some great pics from the race.

Race 4 of the Gatorade Series is at Sandringham – Sunda
y 5 Feb.
This race is a big one as it includes the Victorian Olympic Distance Championships, and we’ll have a number of athletes vying for a championships spot PLUS a huge number who will be either in search of a PB or doing an Olympic Distance for the first time. So if you haven’t already, make sure you enter to avoid missing out! (some athletes learnt the hard way when they missed out on a entry at Brighton because it was a sell out!) And as a bonus the first 1000 entrants receive a 2XU Gatorade Race Singlet valued at $70!
Discounted Entry:  Don’t forget as a Tri Alliance athlete your receive a special discount into races, so email for your unique discount code. You will need to state what race distance (fun/sprint/olympic) and whether you are a Triathlon Aus/Vic Member.
**Also remember if you are vying for a Vic Championship title spot in the Olympic Distance race, to be eligibleyou MUST be a Triathlon Aus/Vic Member. So if you are not already, then get on board.

Geelong Course overview – 8.00am Sunday 29 January

Next weekend Coach Emma will be in Geelong and will happily provide a course overview for anyone who is racing the sprint, olympic or long course race in Geelong on Sunday 12 February. This will involve a run over the course, a swim over part of the course and then a group ride. Further details will be provided next week, however lock this in your diary if you are racnig Geelong!
*Please note, due to the large number of athletes racing in Geelong there will be NO coached ride on Sunday 29 Jan in Melbourne. We will however provide a suggested ride for those not heading down to Geelong.

Port Arlington Accommodation
As in the past, we are organising group accommodation for the Port Arlington race on Sunday 18 March – which includes the Port Arlington Long Course. If you are interested in accommodation, please express your interest to   It will be for TWO nights – Friday and Saturday Night, partners welcome. 🙂 We will be holding a pre race session at Port Arlington on the Saturday morning. Accommodation should be less that $100 for the two nights. We will have limited places available so make sure you email Emma ASAP to reserve a place. Once we have rough numbers will book and then ask for immediate payment to secure your place. DON’T MISS OUT!

Our newest triathletes in the making!

Last week we had 19 new TRY-the-TRI Participants commence their 6 week beginner program leadingin into Race 5 at Elwood on Sunday 19 February.
You may be interested to know that we have a professional Muay Thai Fighter and Black Belt in Karate, an ultimate frisbee player, netball, lacrosse and boxing participant, cricketer and a basketballer. This group of Newbies is not to be messed with!! 🙂  CLICK HERE to read profiles on each of our participants and find out more on their backgrounds and their goals over the 6 weeks. Best of luck to you all!

Welcome to our newest athletes!
Over the last couple of weeks we have had a number of new athletes commence with us and get stuck into their training in the New Year. It’s great to see new faces around as it can help re-invigorate the squad as we head into the second half of the season. So if you se a new face at a session, make sure you introduce yourself and make them feel welcome. So welcome on board to: Natalie Methven. Catherine Fraser-Smith, John Louis, Jodie Morris, Mark Keogh, Mark Bateson.

Ironman New Zealand & Ironman Melbourne – Not too far away!!

Our athletes in training for Ironman NZ and Melb are in a very heavy training block at the moment, with solid 1.5hour plus strength endurance sets on the windtrainer, 150+km rides in the hills on the weekends and running anywhere between 60 and 80kms a week. A tough ask for most of our athletes who have full time jobs and juggle partners, families and other commitments. Great work to date by everyone training for such a big race. Your coaches and fellow athletes are right behind you – so keep at it!

Ironman New Zealand Athletes – 3 March, under 7 weeks away

  • Janette Linehan
  • Jason Nicholl
  • Nick Sissons
  • Paul Venner
  • Justine Marshall-Owens
  • Rob Scapin
  • Greg Nugent
  • Dale Beehre

Ironman Melbourne Athletes – 25 March, under 10 weeks away

  • Mark Hyoms   |  Brett Parker
  • Morris Caleca  |  Gordon Spargo
  • Brett Miller      |  Jay Mueller
  • Brett Archbold  |  Brett Miller
  • Paul O’Dowd    |  Marina Jurjevic
  • Ollie Allan        |  Dan Brueckner
  • Steve Atkins    |  Richard Oliver
  • Mirco Hering   |  Kevin Fountain
  • Chris Smith

Tri Alliance has 17 athletes racing and a HUGE number who will be supporting from the sidelines. If you would like to ‘be a part’ of IM Melbourne then why not be a part of the Tri Alliance Volunteer Team? We will be manning TWO run aid stations on the day with a great set-up, atmoshphere and support provided for the 1500+ athletes who are racing.  More details will be available next week, but if you would like to express your initial interest please email It’s going to be an awesome day – so make sure you are a part of it!!

Ironman Melbourne Spots up for Auction (for Charity)

The auction for charity spots at the 2012 Ironman Asia Pacific Championship is now live at Graysonline.
You can place a bid for one of three individual competitor spots supporting either the Cerebral Palsy League, KIDS Foundation or the John Maclean Foundation. The auction closes at 6pm this Friday January 20, 2012 so be quick to bid and don’t miss out on your last chance to secure a competitor spot at the inaugural Ironman Asia Pacific Championship in Melbourne. All proceeds from each auction spot go directly to each charity.  
Click here
to view and to place a bid

Nissan Corporate Triathlon Training

Is your company participating in this years Nissan Corporate Triathlon? Tri Alliance is again offering great 6 week programs either as individuals or corporate groups. So make sure you spur on your fellow collegues and have them learn a thing or two before they race on Sunday 4 March at the biggest Triathlon in Australia! CLICK HERE for packages details.

Goodbye, farewell and goodluck…..

Tri Alliance will be farewelling Elise Morris this week as she attends her last session tomorrow night at Elwood ahead of her departure for DARWIN next week! Elise started training with Tri Alliance in September last year as part of our Kinglake ride promotional training and since then has been converted to triathlon – completing her first triathlon at race 1 of the Gatorade Series. During her short time with us, Elise has made some great friends and training buddies and will be missed. Best of luck in her move to Darwin and she embarks on a two year plan on securing herself a place in the Army as a Phychologist.

Stan Assimopoulos is and has been one of most loved coaches, athlete and friend of Tri Alliance. His infectious, gratious nature, and willingness to help and support others towards their goals is second to none. This was again displayed on the weekend as he assisted SuperSprint as a marshall and also offered to kindly assist one of our TRY-the-TRI’s completing his first triathlon. His training had been going super well, but still had a fear (and dislike!) of the open water so Stan took it upon himself to support Martin in his quest to finish the swim – and that he did!! Martin was extremely grateful of Stan’s (and B’dette’s) role in getting him to the finish line of his first triathlon. Stan – you are a true gentleman!!
Stan now embarks on his own journey and refocusing on his own goals including the Hawaii Half Ironman in May this year. During which time Stan will be stepping back from his coacing duties but will still remain a valuable friend of Tri Alliance. 🙂

Technical Officials Course

All sports need their officials and Triathlon is currently recruiting for Technical Officials.
The primary role of the Technical Officials (TO’s) is to ensure the safe and fair conduct of triathlon events. TO’s need to be good communicators, be assertive (not aggressive) and work effectively as a team member.
Tri Alliance currently has a number of athletes who are registered TO’s including Ian ‘Roofie’ Renouf, Sarah Lausberg, Sheridan Brown and Sam Tunas. If you are interested in being part of the TO Team then please read the attached.

One for the girls – Omara Cycle Womens Tri

If you are looking for another triathlon to add to your calendar, then why not get a few of the girls together in the squad and enter the Omara Cycle Womens Tri on Sunday 29 January at Mordialloc. There are 3 different distances, and you can enter as a team or individual. So why not try and drag a girlfirend, sister or even your mum along to experience their first triathlon!! CLICK HERE for more info.

Open Water Swim Events – Australia Day

Next Thursday (Austalia Day) there are no coached sessions and we are encouraging athlets to participate in one of the following swims for open water practise – particularily leading into Sandringham, Geelong, Falls, New Zealand and Melbourne

  • Great Australia Day Swim, Brighton
    1400m and 5km open water swims as well as a Celebrity Relay and Junior Dash
    Click here to read more and enter.
    Tri Alliance has a large number of athletes entering this event, so a great chance for a timed open water swim
  • Williamstown Australia Day Swim
    5 x 1km relay, 1km swim, 2km swim and nippers
    Click here to read more and enter
    Another great event if you are in the Williamstown area

Home stay for elite athlete

We have been asked by an associate whether anyone in our circle would be interested in a ‘home stay’ for a pro athlete coming over to arce Ironman Melbourne (late March).  Homestays are very popular in the US and Fraser is looking for the same her in Melbourne for the leadup to his race. If you think you may be interested or would like any further information please email and I can put you in contact with the organiser.


Tri Alliance has secured the fantastic venue of Brighton Baths Health Club for our Wednesday Night TRY-the-TRI Sessions. Brighton Baths is a fantastic venue as it offers a secure area for open water swimming and lockers and change rooms for our participants, and we look forward to starting our Wednesday Night trainings at Brighton from this week! Stay tuned for exclusive pics of our first session!

As part of our relationship, Brighton Baths are offering all Tri Alliance athletes a 6 month winter membership at the rate of $17.50 per week, and waive the usual $49.95 setup fee (this is over 30% discount!) you won’t get a better priced membership in the Brighton area! 

Brighton Baths Health Club
Facebook: Brighton Baths Health Club
Phone: 9539 7005
Address: 251 The Esplanade, Brighton, Vic, 3186


6.55am training brief for a 7.00am start. Please ensure you are on time. Please leave your belongings in your car.
Option 1 –Long run, open water swim (no bikes needed)
Olympic Distance: 13-14km or no more than 1hr20min long run followed by 30min open water swim
Sprint Distance: 8-10km or no more than 1hour long run followed by 20-30min open water swim
Option 2 – Run, transitions, open water skills
Perfect for Sprint/Mini Distance athletes and beginners 30min run followed by bike/run from transition and open water swim skills.
Coach Bernadette
*Please note these are guides only and may change on the day

9.20am for a 9.30am start. Bring all swim, bike and run gear

LONG COURSE: (exc Geelong Long Course)
5.50am briefing for a 6.00am roll out (sharp)
Ride will head towards Kinglake, pleas refer below for distances.

  • GEELONG HALF – You will meet at North Road Brighton 6.00am and head out on Beach Road for a flat ride 120-130km plus 6km run off the bike, complete at least 50% of your ride on your aero bars. Please note there will be no coach on this ride.

Meeting at North Road, Brighton, 6.25am for a 6.30am start. Please note due to the triathlon at Elwood part of Beach Road will be closed. So please plan around this when travelling to Brighton.
50-90km with a 10km time trial (85%+) in the first half of your ride. Find your own space, get down on the bars and have a solid hit out. On the way home, build up the pace and then sit at race pace effort (80%+) for approx 30% of the ride home, work with the group to hold solid pacing.

Long run – uncoached. Follow your specific programs. However feel free to meet at MSAC at 8.00am and head down the beach for your long run.

  • NZ -31km
  • Melbourne – 26km
  • Falls, Geelong – 18-19km
  • Torquay, Port Mac – 16-17km
  • Port Arlington – 14-15km

If you have any queries on distances for your specific races please ensure you contact one of our coaches.

Happy Training & Racing!
Team Tri Alliance

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