xmas-triWelcome back and a Happy New Year. We hope you had a great time over the festive period whether you were training or spending time away from the squad with family and friends.

It is now time to kick on for the second and biggest part of the Triathlon season with most people’s A races coming up over the next few months. We have the four remaining Gatorade Series events starting this Sunday at St Kilda with Mini, Sprint and Olympic Distances all on offer. If you are yet to enter then get in before prices go up tomorrow and ensure you select “Tri-Alliance” as your club to get your 10% discount and be eligible for club and series points. In three weeks we’ll then be preparing for Challenge Melbourne , Challenge Sprint and Geelong 70.3 with many racing the half distance event for the first time. Again get your entries in before it is too late. And not forgetting those athletes who are preparing themselves for the full distance at Cairns, Port Mac or in NZ. Get behind everyone and encourage each other at training – work together and you will achieve great things.

calendarAs we get back into our schedules and sessions are starting back up please please ensure you check the timetable and our Victorian Facebook page as some have changed slightly. Click the session on the calendar to give you more details including time and location. Those sessions of note are the Monday evening swims at MSAC which are now currently split into advanced and low advanced at 6-7pm and then intermediate at 7-8. This is for all of January with the exception of an Open Water session on Monday 25th at 6:15pm Elwood – no pool swim that night. Wednesday evening swims are at the earlier time of 6:15pm (outdoor pool). St Michael’s technique swims are also back and are at the normal times of 7pm Monday and Wednesday evenings. We do try to keep the swim times consistent but MSAC are not always able to accommodate us when we would like.

For tonight’s wind trainer session please bring along your helmet as we may do some laps around Albert Park depending on the weather. This will help in race preparation for those going in the Gatorade Series at St Kilda Sunday. Should the weather not be favorable we will be inside as normal. Though we have a limited number of wind trainers so if you have one please bring it along and if wanting to hire get your name down on the FB post and ensure you have cash.

Falls Falls2BassGood work to the guys currently training at Falls Creek on our altitude camp. The weather has been changeable to say the least but with some big days on the bike, long runs and soaking in the cold streams the crew will be stronger and faster as a result. Keep up the good work and we’ll be chasing you in the weeks to come. Congratulations to Emma, Kat and Jonney who raced down on the Bass coast at the weekend – getting race ready very early into the new year! Finishing first (Kat) and something about taking a wrong turn (not Kat) made for some stories and pciture opportunities. Keep up the good work and push on this Sunday.



Congratulations to all those who not only took part but embraced and put in during Hell Week. The coaches were extremely happy to see the levels of commitment (shout to the 530am crew), dedication, support and safe riding throughout the week. For some it was Hell Week number 7+ and for some number 1 but however many times or sessions you got through use them as the spring board to the next part of the season. We hope you have recovered well and are now stronger and have more confidence in your abilities than before. The volume that was racked up was amazing and with one day washed out this is made even better. Please let us know if you have any feedback on the week so we can make it bigger and better next time! Roll on Hell Week 2016 🙂

HellWeek4 HellWeek5




Two much loved coaches TT bikes are for sale if you are in the market now. Ideal for those new to the sport and not wanting to break the bank on an upgrade or a new bike. Remember the n+1 rule!

Giant Trinity, Size M, full Ultegra 10 Speed, Upgraded with a 3t carbon handlebar

$1800 with Dura-ace Wheels and Shimano R500 wheels or $1200 with just the R500s. Pedals not included. Available now.


Giant Trinity 2014 Composite, Size small, full 11 Speed Ultegra, Giant P-SLR race wheels and standard training wheels, pedals not included. $1800 for the lot.


If you are interested in either of these bikes please contact us at info@dev.tri-alliance.com.au or chat with Hilario/Scott at a session. Test rides are free :-).



Pink2We are still after some more volunteers for the Pink Tri on Sunday 17th January. A number of coaches and athletes have already made themselves available but it would be great to have more crew out. If you are interested please drop us a note at info@dev.tri-alliance.com.au. for more information on the event or to even race then jump on their website and read on. http://triathlonpink.com.au/event/melbourne/




Please ensure you check the calendar regularly to ensure you know where and when sessions are as they do sometimes change (this is especially true for swim sessions at MSAC as these can change and are often unfortunately beyond our control). This weeks highlighted sessions: (please ensure you check your program or consult a coach so you attend the appropriate session and that you know your distances – remember you are accountable too!).

When out riding please do so safely and pay attention to all the road rules and others using the road.  Read on for a guide to cycling etiquette and bike road safety and ethics.

  • Tuesday 5th Jan – WT/Laps – MSAC 6:15pm but arrive early
  • Thursday 7th Jan – Combo – Elwood 6pm – Swim/Bike(transition)/Run for all Short Course athletes racing at the weekend. Long course will be swim/run.
  • Saturday 9th Jan – Long course ride – Elwood rolling @630am.
  • Saturday 9th Jan – Short Course Pre Race – St Kilda Cantani Gardens @730am – bring everything for a ride, run, swim and then tent put up.
  • Sunday 10th Jan – Gatroade Race #2 St Kilda
    • Long course guys meet at the tent at 7am for your run/swim and to cheers on your fellow athletes.

When riding on a Tri-Alliance coached road ride it is a requirement to wear team colours. This helps keep and identify the group together and provides more safety in the fact that other riders from outside the group are less likely to join in the group – we do not know them or their riding abilities.


Safe & Happy Training 

Tri Alliance


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