WORD FROM THE COACHES What a start to the week. Alarms set for 2am, 4am & 6am to check...
Archive for category: General News
feel free to call us 1300 680 TRI (874) info@dev.tri-alliance.com.au
TRI ALLIANCE QUEENSLAND LAUNCH AND AMBASSADOR APPLICATIONS So we can finalise catering arrangements for our launch, please let us...
WORD FROM THE COACHES What a great start to Spring! Melbourne was bathed in Sunshine over the weekend and...
TRI ALLIANCE QUEENSLAND LAUNCH – MIZUNO TRI ALLIANCE AMBASSADOR PROGRAM Our official launch night on Sunday September 16th at...
NOOSA/WORLDS TRAINING CAMP Our Noosa/Worlds training camp last weekend was a great success. The 40+ athletes that attended got...
WORD FROM THE COACHES And their off………..Ollie & Sarah begin a 2 month working & racing trip to Vegas...
TRI ALLIANCE QUEENSLAND LAUNCH On Sunday September 16th from 4-7pm at the Melbourne Hotel, we’ll be having the Tri...
WORD FROM THE COACHES The racing season for some is starting to become more of a reality now, with...
Race Report: Yeppoon 70.3 Half Ironman
Emma Donati, , General News, Race Reports and Athlete Stories, 0Tri Alliance – Yeppoon Mid Winter Retreat aka 70.3 in Tropical North Queensland Tri Alliance had 3 athletes head...
GATTON GRUNT DUATHLON We had a great morning at the first race of the new Qld Club Champs series...